It's Your Right!
Protest Your Property Value
Incorrect Appraised (Market) Value
This protest determines value examining condition, location, and recent property sales. You can appeal Market Value if you believe the value the appraisal district placed on your home is too high based on other properties that have sold similar to yours.
Value Is Unequal Compared With Other Properties
This appeal focuses on if the appraisal district has unfairly placed a value on your home in relation to the value it placed on other homes in your neighborhood. Appraisals must be equal and uniform, and if you believe this is not the case you can show the ARB sales and appraisals in your neighborhood to prove your point.
Exemption Was Denied, Modified Or Cancelled
As a homeowner, you may want to appeal if the appraisal district denied your exemption application. The taxable value of your home is the appraised value, less exemptions. If the appraisal district refused an exemption, you may end up with a higher tax bill. Appealing this issue to the ARB may help you reduce your tax liability if the ARB grants the exemption.
Need Help?
If you are overwhelmed by the complicated and confusing process allow our expert Property Tax Consultants do the work for you. We have knowledgeable Real Estate Professionals that are well versed in the current North Texas Real Estate markets. Paired with our knowledgeable experts, we use a proprietary formula that mimics the property comparisons that are used by the appraisal districts.

Less Common Protests
- Failure To Send Required Notice
Property should not be taxed in xxxxxxxx County
Property is not located in this appraisal district or otherwise should notbe included on the appraisal district’s record.
Ag-use, open-space or other special appraisal was denied, modified or cancelled.
Change in use of land appraised as ag-use, open-space or timberland.
Incorrect appraised or market value of land under special appraisal or ag-use, open-space or other special appraisal.
Owner’s name is incorrect.
Property description is incorrect. (Property Address/Legal Description)
1/3 Over Appraised